from Pinch and Swirl
Baked Avocado Fries I feel super guilty when I eat fries. At least I did until I found this recipe for baked avocado fries. Since they aren’t “fried” and they have so many health benefits, I feel so much better! Oh yea, they are also super tasty!
from Closet Cooking
Avocado Shake
I was skeptical before I had my first avocado shake. It doesn’t seem appetizing, but I was pleasantly surprised! It’s smooth, creamy, and works very well in a shake! It’s perfect to cool off on a hot day!
from Cooks and Books and Recipes
Baked Avocado Eggs Eggs are one of my fave things to have around. I can make them for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and they can be worked into almost any recipe. Baked avocado eggs are another quick recipe I keep in my arsenal. It’s also one of my family’s faves!
Avocado Chocolate Pudding Avocado chocolate pudding is SO amazing and so guilt free! If you’re vegan and need your pudding fix, this is the recipe for you. Avocado replaces the milk and adds a creamy texture to the pudding. It’s also easy to make!
from Veggi Fare
Do you love avocado as much as I do? What’s your favorite recipe? Which of these are you going to try next?