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Personalized Decor: The Silhouette

Carter Kustera | Simplifyingfabulous.com I believe that if you fill your home with personal items that you love and cherish, when you go out into the world, that happiness will follow you wherever you go. That's what my mantra, "Confidence Begins at Home!™" is all about. I recently found a great example of personalized decor at the Jonathan Adler store on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. While browsing, I stumbled upon a small installation of painter Carter Kustera's silhouettes and absolutely fell in love with his quirky style. Carter puts a playful spin on the classic black-and-white silhouette by incorporating bold colors and less-traditional subjects, like the family pet. He also infuses the personality of his subject into each piece of art by way of a quippy little custom saying along the lines of "doesn't do birthdays" and "lied about his height on his passport." (The latter example is from the portrait of Adler's partner, Simon Doonan!) Incorporating silhouettes such as these into your home is a great alternative to achieving a super personalized, yet artful look to your wall art. Are silhouettes the new family photographs? I imagine that if I had Carter-made silhouettes of my two kids and dog, they would act as a daily reminder to not take life so seriously! Carter Kustera | Simplifyingfabulous.com Carter Kustera | Simplifyingfabulous.com Carter's whimsical images and messages inspire the public, as well. He shared with us some great images of his work for Barneys CO-OP, Philadelphia (below) and for the University of Toronto (bottom). Carter Kustera | Simplifyingfabulous.com So much fun! What color and one-liner would be a part of your silhouette?

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Our homes are a reflection of who we are…they also help us become who we want to be.

Place objects that inspire and uplift you in key locations throughout your home. Also...a little Feng Shui goes a long way!