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November: What's Hot This Month

Hello Fabulistas! I hope you're still enjoying all your Halloween candy, too! Now we're in November and the holiday season is upon us. There's a lot of excitement with prep for the holidays. But, there are lots of other FAB things going on this month. Here are some of my favorite things about this November. Jean Paul Gaultier at Brooklyn Museum There's never a shortage of chic style on display in this city. I do adore when there are entire museum exhibits dedicated to fashion, though! The exhibit Jean Paul Gauliter: From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk just opened at Brooklyn Museum and I'm making it a priority to see it this month. Untitled

from Brooklyn Museum

Purple haze

You know that I just encouraged you to use non-traditional holiday colors this season. I especially adore purple right now. It's such a FAB rich color, especially if you're tired of black for your decor.


from Pinterest

The Commons of Pensacola

One of my favorite things about living in New York City is that I get to go to the theater at any given time. Chances are, there's always an actor or actress that I adore performing in a play, too. I need to catch Sarah Jessica Parker in Amanda Peet's new play The Commons of Pensacola. I've read some fab reviews already!


from Manhattan Theatre Club

Outdoor fireplaces

Now is the time to cozy up with your loved ones around a warm fire. Outdoor fireplaces are so FAB! This isn't the only time of the year you can use them, but they're a great way to extend your outdoor entertaining area's use.


from Houzz

Orkney chairs

I'm fixated on these classic chair designs right now. Their name comes from the Orkney Islands where fishermen and farmers would craft them out of whatever materials they had on hand. I'd love to add this for some extra holiday seating. It might be the perfect post-turkey perch!


from Pinterest

What has you excited this month? Let's chat about it in the comments section below!

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