Feb 18, 2013
Behind the Scenes: Yves Delorme Spring/Summer 2013 Collection
When I visited the Yves Delorme showroom to get a sneak peek at their Spring/Summer 2013 collection, I couldn't help but get excited for spring...picnics at Central park, ice cream at my favorite spot on Broadway...I can't wait for the weather to warm up! Yves Delorme's collection was spot on - what feels more like spring than cloud-blue bedding with grass-green details and multi-color bird print?
Photo Credit: Yves Delorme
Just like last season, Yves Delorme doesn't disappoint when it comes to fabulous pillows (check out my post on their Fall/Winter 2012 collection!). I love the mix-and-match of lightweight materials, such as cotton and silk, with warm and heavy materials such as velvet. It's such a winter-y material and I LOVE that they are using it for their Spring/Summer collection.Photo Credit: Yves Delorme
How do you like the Yves Delorme collection? Does it get you in the right mood for spring? I'd love to hear your thoughts so leave your comments below!
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