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What's Hot This Month: May

Hello Fabulistas and happy May! It's finally feeling like spring here in New York and I'm so excited for everything this month has in store. There are so many fabulous things going on as a warm-up to this summer! Runway-worthy bicycles You can buy just about anything from your fashion designer nowadays, even down to nail polish. But, my favorite conventional object to get a fashion designer's touch is bicycles. Even if you don't ride one around the city every day like so many New Yorkers do, think about how fab you would look on a beach vacation cruising in this CHANEL bike!


Pretty patio seating It always makes me sad when patios get underused during the frigid months. They're such great and versatile areas, even if they're tiny! Fabulistas, I'd like to challenge you to really decorate your patio and make it your own. Give it as much attention as you would decorating an interior room and you'll never want to go indoors!

from Pinterest

Giving totes

There are so many great fashionable brands these days that are on the "one for one" structure, like TOMS and Warby Parker. My new favorite is Esperos. For each tote bag or backpack that you buy, a child is sent to school for a year. Plus, the company pays a living wage and sticks to ethical working standards. This tote would be perfect for a beach or picnic!

from Esperos

Cherry blossoms in bloom

I try to make it to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden at least once a year to see all of the pretty cherry blossoms in bloom. I haven't made it there yet this year, but it's definitely on my to-do list! Check out the BBG's cherry blossom bloom status map here.

from GreenBeat Brooklyn

Standout watches

I say that if you're going to wear a pieces of jewelry, "Wear it!" There's no use in wearing something that you'll barely notice on your wrist. I'm currently obsessing over Kate Spade's bright and colorful watches! It's spring, so let's wear a little neon.

Seaport watch from Kate Spade

What hot May trends are you loving right now?

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