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Design on a Budget, Part 1: Discover Your Style!

Everybody deserves a home that they love and feel great in. Afterall, confidence begins at home!™ Great design, and feeling great about it, isn't a matter of budget...it's a matter of style! You can make your style work on any budget. My four-part Design Insider series, Design on a Budget, will help you define your style, make a budget and then put the plan into action and tying it all together with the finishing touches! The goal? Create a home you love on any budget!

Design on Budget, Part 1: Discover Your Style!

The first step of any design project, regardless your budget, is to define what you want! Let's get started!

1. What do you like? Flip through magazines and tear out things that you like. Colors, travel imagery, products that you find interesting, a beautifully styled photoshoot...Surf the internet and bookmark, bookmark, bookmark! Carry a camera or phone around and snap a few photos when you are out and about. Anything that catches your eye is worth noting. Ignore price for now! This is just about inspiration.

simplifyingfabulous.com Keep track of things that inspire you by taking photos!
2. Look for trends: Once you've gathered enough inspiration, take a look at what you have. Lay everything out on the table or pin the images up on a cork board to make an "inspiration board." Explore commonalities and themes. See what styles, colors and patterns run through the items and looks that you naturally gravitate towards. Is it a clean lined, contemporary look or a classic, casual look that catches your eye? You may be surprised what you find...often times what we think we want isn't always what we really love!
simplifyingfabulous.com Look for trends in this things that draw you in...here we were obviously inspired by the colors of the ocean!
3. Set the mood: How do you want to feel when you are at home (i.e. invigorated, inspired, calm)? Is there a place where you go to relax or to work? You to think about your home and rooms as living, breathing spaces that have the power to affect your mood. 4. Think function: A home should both look and feel great. Make each room and space work for you. Think about the current function of a room(s) and also what you now want the functions to be. Do you entertain? When people come to your home, are they large or small groups? Where do people tend to gather? These are important points to consider when you re-design a room or home. Remember, redesigning a room or a home won't--and shouldn't--happen overnight. Take the time to reflect and really listen to yourself. Find the accessories, fabrics, and furniture that you truly love. Once you know what you want and love, you have the needed direction to really get started designing on a BUDGET. Next week, we'll tackle that ol' budget! In the mean time, let me know what you are finding that inspires you!

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