A big
Thank You to everyone who served our country! Yesterday we honored more than 24 million military veterans in the U.S., who fought for the freedom we enjoy today!November is a month full of gratitude and appreciation for our families, our lives, and at least a sense of normalcy, safety and electricity…especially THIS November, with storms like Sandy and Athena that swept through the East Coast leaving devastation and chaos!I think gratitude is always important, and that’s why I keep a gratitude journal! It helps you to stay positive in your life…because as I always say, “the thoughts you think create the life you lead!”
I’m so thankful for my friends and family…and of course, for my AMAZING staff! I’m grateful that my daughter does so well in school (parents-teacher conference last Thursday!), and I’m so proud of my son, who is currently writing his first book (a trilogy, actually…how fab is that?!)What are you thankful for this month? Do you have family members in the military? I’d love to hear your story, so leave a comment or share your thoughts over
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