Interestingly enough, my personal experience is different from Michael Pollan’s article. Yes, I am a foodie, and seeing all of these talented chefs create beautiful, interesting food within an unreasonably short time frame has, well, inspired me to start cooking! As a working mother in New York City, there was a point many years ago when I had certainly fallen into the trap of take out, restaurant deliveries, and prepared food-to-go. Cooking never seemed necessary, although I, of course, always had a state-of-the-art kitchen…it is the center of the home after all!

However, I have to admit, I’ve been seduced by the cooking shows. Iron Chef America , Chopped , and Top Chef Masters are the only type of reality shows I don’t feel guilty about watching (except for American Idol , of course!). They make it look fun, sexy, and a lot less intimidating. They demystify cooking for me, much like Julia Child did for French cuisine in the 1960s. Now, this city girl finds herself cooking at home 2-3 times a week. It may not sound like much, but it has my family jumping for joy!Do these shows inspire you to cook or eat out? Which are your favorite?