Pre-bloom. First Bloom. Peak Bloom. Post-Peak Bloom. Like the seasons of the year a cherry blossom goes through four stages from birth to fruition.The end of April celebrates this special occasion with a bouquet of these beauties at your disposal! On April 30th – May 1st, Brooklyn Botanical Gardens hosts Sakura Matsuri, its 35th annual cherry blossom festival in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.The two-day event marks the end of Hanami (which is Japanese for flower viewing) and in its honor, BBG will have musical performances, a fashion show, and dances that show appreciation for this special time of year.

Springtime symbolizes life anew and a chance to switch styles up from previous seasons. When designing a space, I love to add flowers that reflect that time of year. A little greenery goes a long way, adding a natural layer of design that brings life and color to your home! Examples of colors of the cherry blossoms and greenery in home.