- Living in a sunlit house is emotionally uplifting.
- Having a mountain at ones back creates a sense of security.
- Facing a peaceful lake or flowing river connects us to the deepest parts of ourselves and instills feelings of empowerment.
- Getting a restful night’s sleep in a dark, nurturing bedroom is essential to our well-being.
Modern Feng Shui evolved from these traditions, blended with environmental science and a touch of basic psychology. Today I want to show you how to create an oasis of peace, love and health in your bedroom with these simple Feng Shui tips:
- Install curtains or shades to buffer incoming light and noise for a dark, quiet environment at night.
- Place your bed against a solid wall to create a mountain-like feeling. You should be able to see the door from the bed without crossing its path or being directly in front of it. Doorways create energetic pathways that can be disturbing while we sleep.
- Choose a wooden bed with a substantial solid headboard. The organic nature of wood is conducive to a better night’s sleep. The solid headboard reinforces the supportive feeling of having a mountain behind us as we sleep.
- Avoid metal beds, metal frames and box springs containing metal. Metal in bedding conducts electro-magnetic fields, which can disturb your sleep.
- Avoid twin beds pushed together or twin mattresses placed in a larger bed. This suggests separation. To support a lasting relationship in a bedroom where a couple sleeps, go with a single larger bed and mattress.
- Keep your bathroom door closed at all times except when going in and out to use the facilities. I n Feng Shui, bathrooms are considered inauspicious and possibly draining to our energy. Keeping the door closed creates the separation needed between bathroom and bedroom.
- Avoid mirrors in the bedroom. They are powerful transmitter of invisible energy that can be disturbing while we sleep. If you need one for dressing, grooming or putting on make-up, locate mirrors inside a closet. You can also cover your mirror at night with a cloth or blanket.
- Avoid electronics in the bedroom. Even a dormant laptop or TV can attract unneeded electro-magnetic field. When you are done using your electronics, simply remove them from you bedside or place them at least 5ft away.
- Create a peaceful, uncluttered environment that promotes relaxation and is nurturing. In Feng Shui we recognize that all objects contain Chi (or a life force) that interacts with our own. Modern physics now confirms that solid objects are simply a denser form of energy (this is something the Ancient Chinese knew 5000 years ago!). Avoid cluttering your room with too many objects and choose only a few items that have personal meaning, remind you of memories or invoke relaxing, nurturing emotions.
- Avoid things that suggest activity and may keep your mind going when you would rather be sleeping…like a bookcase filled many books. The multitude of books and their content seems to affect many people that way. Another example is exercise equipment, such as a treadmill or exercise bike. Best to have them out of view…or better yet, not in the bedroom.
More enhancements for your bedroom
- Fresh flowers improve any environment and are especially pleasing in the bedroom. Be sure to replace or remove them the moment they wilt.
- Essential oils create a pleasant environment and can be used to enhance both passion and restful sleep. For passion, use Rose, Frankincense or Ylang Ylang. For calming and relaxation, use lavender, lemon, orange, blue tansy, rosewood or sandalwood. A diffuser that does not heat the oils is best.
- Candles enhance romance and relaxation. Use them in pairs for romance, and in groupings of three for your own relaxation. Be sure to extinguish lit candles before falling asleep!
- To increase the romance factor, use objects and images in pairs. Placing a pair of Chinese Wood Ducks in the bedroom is a traditional Feng Shui practice for attracting a loving partner.
Photo Credit: Etsy
These tips will help you sleep better and be more relaxed. Stay tuned for next month’s posts when I will share ways to arrange your office to create financial abundance. Author: Yasha Jampolsky is a Feng Shui Expert, Teacher, Speaker and Author and has appeared on national television and radio. Visit “Feng Shui Evolution” to learn more: yashajampolsky.com