Hello, Fabulistas!

I always want your home to be fabulous… and this year, it’s especially important that you feel confident about your living space. Now that we’re spending the majority of time inside, investing in a comfortable, polished place for all of your digital communication, personal and professional, is essential.

So, What Exactly IS A Zoom Room?

I was lucky this year. I was asked to be a designer in the very first entirely virtual luxury designer showhouse . I immediately chose to do the Zoom Room because it was, quite literally, never done before. It made me think about what a room like this could be, all the different ways we would use it and what we would need to make it the most functional for our new lives. It all started with mood boards…I let my imagination run wild. With this “new normal” in mind, you don’t want to be stuck taking video calls in a cluttered kitchen or cramped office, and you definitely don’t want to have to do so while holding up your phone or iPad. Trust me, I’ve been there! Video calls are the way we connect with EVERYONE now, from business to personal to family matters.

Seasonal Living Showhouse Zoom Room Mood Board

Every call we make requires a slightly different protocol and environment, and our surrounding space needs to embrace that. In the Zoom Room I designed for the Seasonal Living Showhouse, I created separate areas within this meticulously designed room for that exact reason. The space where I have an after-work cocktail with a girlfriend is going to look and function differently than the area where I take my client meetings.

Seasonal Living Zoom Room

It’s All About Flexibility

I focused on one key element… flexibility! Flexibility is the most important aspect to keep in mind when designing a room like this. It’s probably the most important thing to consider in designing almost any room today. When I aimed for flexibility in this Zoom Room, I asked four basic questions: What are you going to use the room for? What do you want to reveal? How do you want to feel? How will the lighting help accomplish those things?

When you think about your own home, think about those four questions. You might share a workspace with kids learning at home, or with a partner who prefers to work in the same room. Maybe a family member is temporarily living with you who wasn’t before. Whatever the case, odds are you probably have a handful of different schedules working in tandem within your home. So, you need to understand how those work together in terms of a room that you can all use for video calls. Establish who needs the room for what and when, and then you can go from there.

Flexible working space

A Space That Inspires Wellness & Mindfulness

I also incorporated elements from nature to provide a sense of wellness. The amorphous-shaped dropped ceiling was specifically designed to be covered in living moss to add a sense of calmness by bringing a bit of the natural environment inside. Biophilia, which is all about our desire to commune with nature, is a huge trend right now. It promotes mindfulness in any space. To add to this feeling, I added live plants which also helps us all feel more connected to nature.

The Making of a Zoom-Worthy Room

Rich, warm, and inviting… that’s the kind of space I set out to create. I wanted the colors to represent all three of these things, and while I love bright colors, I really wanted the people on the calls to shine more than the surrounding area. Golds and bronzes are beautiful neutral tones that inspire warmth and positivity, but don’t overtake the screen. This combined with the room’s soft textures allow the Zoomer to glow.

View of Zoom Room in the Earthy Luxe color palette

Unique Environments for Each “Type” of Zoom Call

To get started, I first thought about the type of video calls I make on a regular basis. Business calls are definitely a priority, but I also needed zoom calls to connect with my friends…or I would have gone crazy during the challenging year we’ve all had…and these calls were also the lifeline for my family to stay connected. The Zoom Room I designed is filled with earthy yet luxe materials, and I created three distinct spaces to enhance the three distinct ways many of us need to use the room. Every area has a unique backdrop, yet they’re all cohesive and are united in the room as a whole. It has tribal elements as well—I love a twist! However, functionality always comes first. With beauty being a close second, the two should go hand in hand. The trick is to surround yourself with lighting, color, and furniture that is interesting to you and inspires you. Make a conscious decision about each and every piece, and you’re guaranteed to feel good. Confidence begins at home and reflects how you feel. And when you feel good in your home, you can truly be your best self.

Three area Zoom Room

On Zoom, Lighting Is Everything!

Perhaps the most critical design element for a successful video call is the lighting. In order to be camera-ready, it all comes down to this: If you want to look and feel your best, you’ve got to nix the shadows. This means always incorporating multi-directional light. Catering to each area with specific sources of light will help to illuminate you and the space around you.

You need multi-directional lighting to avoid shadows, so try mixing some overhead lighting like one of these to each sitting area: our Carolina Multi-Pendant , St. Albans Pendant , or Vibe Pendant . To add some variation with light sources, utilize your tabletops. Opt for lamps like our Winvian Table Lamp , Dianthus Table Lamp , and Baroque Floral Gold Foil Table Lamp .

Now, Let’s Create YOUR Zoom Room!

I’m available to work with you through my brand new expanded services. For the first time, you can hire me to work with you by the room or by the hour to design your very own Zoom Room or Home Office…or for any room you like. If it’s just advice or guidance you need, I’m here for you and can work with you by the hour. We can get as creative as you want or stick to the basics. We can work on one specific area, or several depending on what you need. It’s all about you… and what you need to feel good about your home!


Zoom Room office space