One of my fave places to discover fab décor finds is Z Gallerie ! They’ve got it all – chic accessories, furniture, lighting, art…and they aren’t afraid to play with bright colors, bold shapes, and whimsical concepts. Sometimes I’ll be perusing their inventory, and I’ll think to myself, “Where on EARTH did they find that?” Well, who better to ask than William Silveira, Z Gallerie’s VP of Merchandising and this week’s Fab Friday! Robin Baron: Welcome William! Z Gallerie has 56 locations to date, what do you think sets it apart from other décor destinations? William Silveira: We are extremely fortunate to be restriction free (as a privately held company) which enables our creativity and designs to flourish. RB: How was it that you got involved? WS: I began with Z Gallerie 20 years ago in visual merchandising, and worked closely with our founders while fine-tuning their incredible vision.

RB: What draws you to the world of home décor? WS: Everything! I’m drawn to infinite design possibilities along with the importance of home both as self expression and shelter. RB: How do you contribute to the Z Gallerie vision? WS: Our vision is a true collaboration, everyone from our buyers to store personnel and our customers have input. RB: What’s your favorite piece in the store right now? WS: Our Aubergine Coral artwork, it reflects what we are known for, reimagining classic design in a modern way. I love how extraordinary these pieces are. They aren’t for everyone which again sets us apart.

Don’t you love Z Gallerie’s aubergine coral artwork?

RB: You’re known for fab accessories. Where do you find your products? WS: Thank you. Much of our accessories are designed in house, we have been working for decades with many the same craftspeople from all over the globe. RB: How would you describe your own personal décor style? WS: I’m a Gemini, I love all décor styles, and am fortunate between my job and my homes that I’m allowed to express most of them. RB: Where do you find inspiration? W S: Passion, curiosity and traveling all drive our inspiration, and of course the internet. RB: How would you define “fabulous”? WS: Fabulous is experiencing something that inspires wonder.(photo credit: Z Gallerie)