RB: What draws you to the world of home décor? WS: Everything! I’m drawn to infinite design possibilities along with the importance of home both as self expression and shelter. RB: How do you contribute to the Z Gallerie vision? WS: Our vision is a true collaboration, everyone from our buyers to store personnel and our customers have input. RB: What’s your favorite piece in the store right now? WS: Our Aubergine Coral artwork, it reflects what we are known for, reimagining classic design in a modern way. I love how extraordinary these pieces are. They aren’t for everyone which again sets us apart.
RB: You’re known for fab accessories. Where do you find your products? WS: Thank you. Much of our accessories are designed in house, we have been working for decades with many the same craftspeople from all over the globe. RB: How would you describe your own personal décor style? WS: I’m a Gemini, I love all décor styles, and am fortunate between my job and my homes that I’m allowed to express most of them. RB: Where do you find inspiration? W S: Passion, curiosity and traveling all drive our inspiration, and of course the internet. RB: How would you define “fabulous”? WS: Fabulous is experiencing something that inspires wonder.(photo credit: Z Gallerie)