So happy to share with you that I was quoted in the HOME section for their “103 Ideas from Walls to Ceilings” stories.See my quote regarding BLACK — a color so classic, and bold, its versatile nature makes for a perfect backdrop when looking to redesign a space. More Spring-spiration!”Black is a fantastic color touse in your home in manydifferent ways,” says RobinBaron, president of RobinBaron Design in New YorkCity and president of theNew York Metro chapterof the American Society ofInterior Designers. “It has alot more flexibility than youmight think.”WHERE TO BEGIN”Don’t be afraid to takethat leap,” advises Baron,who recalls being a bit reticentwhen her son wantedblack walls in his room afew years ago. But insteadof turning his room into acave, it made a sophisticatedstatement.
Apr 2, 2016
Hi Fabulistas,If you haven’t had the chance to get your hands on USA Today’s Spring Issue here it is!